Yes, THE BLACK DEVIL DOLL FROM HELL - which my friend Tara discovered over 20 years ago in the African American Studios section of her local video store.

Yes, THE BLACK DEVIL DOLL FROM HELL - which features an entire soundtrack performed on a Casio keyboard.

Yes, THE BLACK DEVIL DOLL FROM HELL - which features a bravura, gutsy performance by Shirley L. Jones as a devoted church-lady who purchases what she thinks is a quaint, harmless puppet. But then is harassed by, brutalized by and finally falls in love with this demonic ventriloquist dummy (play in several action sequences by a small child).

Yes, the one, the only, the original BLACK DEVIL DOLL FROM HELL - accept no substitutes. No foolin'!
So is http://www.quickstopentertainment.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/dvdlateshow-july11-trilogy.jpg
Karen Black in the Trilogy of Terror the whitewashed, non-masturbating in shower version of this movie?
Love TRILOGY OF TERROR. I actually wrote about it and THE ABC MOVIE OF THE WEEK in my very first DOUGSPLOITATION post (before that this blog was called MOVIES THAT MAKE YOU SAY 'HUH?' for about a year).
Is this the one where the doll lives in a locker at the train station finds himself quite popular after he reveals a talent for picking winners at the racetrack, then abducts and attacks the woman? Wait, I think part of that is a Gary Coleman movie I saw once... They're hard to tell apart!
I think there is a remake of this film:
Which has a much more in depth story line...
Dina Martina did a screening of BDDFH for the Nellies in Ptown last summer. It's amazing.
omg: Zuni warrior meets streets of Compton. I'm more scared at this one's jeri-curl-meets-Ted Nugent than of the jagged teeth and tribal screams of the Miss Black's nemesis.
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