CHICO'S ANGELS has been an underground cult hit on the Los Angeles theater scene for over half a decade. This summer’s stage show is titled Chico’s Angels 2: Love Boat Chicas! The gals are getting all dolled up to solve another case - this time on the high seas when Charo hires the Angels to find out who is trying to kill her...and her ocean-going career!!!

Kay: Aye! don be so nasty all the tines!!
Frieda: Oh, that's called a manage a trough!
Chita: Hi and stuff!

K: Rosarita, from Rosarita beans.
F: I would have to say Farrah Faucett & Goldie Hawn in a paintball fight with Cleopatra Jones.
C: All the sexy Latinas that came before me.

D: I've noticed that all good things (and some bad things) come in threes. Angels,
Brady children of the same sex, Star Wars movies, etc. Did you ever consider have a fourth Angel? If so, who?K: Only if she's fat and has no chi chi's so that Chita doesn't feel so lonely.
F: Well, there my sister Juana Laye, but she's too mush of a slut to work with us.
C: No way, I can barely put up with the other two!

K: Crushes? I prefer Fanta.
F: Aye jes, I always had a thing for Jason Statham, Huge Jackman and Cantinflas.
C: I'm in love with ...... What's today?....oh yeah.....Jake Gyllenhal.

K: Make chure it's tight and shiney!
F: Learning to talk Enlitch good, 'cause the peoples will judge ju and think ju don't know nothing.
C: Use a Sharpie #4.

K: No accident, were a bunch of breast , thighs, and dumstick (that's not misspell!)
F: Aye, no! ...but I can tell ju about accidents...
C: No, cause we're tender and finger lickin good!

K: Lot's of shirtless men's! And me getting the boys!
F: I'm not allowed to say nothing, cause I signed a competency agreement, but I will say they sexy, sexy and action pack!
C: Kay getting the boys, I hate her!!

Supermarket openings? Tupperware Parties coming up?
K: I'm on the Garden Grove and Pacioma Tupperware tour at the moment. An ju can find me on my soon to depute web site . Oh and in the basement of a Mexican restaurant doing our thing!
F: In addition to the webs, facebook, myspace and the chicosangels.com, I can be found around Santa Monica & Orange depending on the hour.
C: The show has been extended thru August 2nd. You better come or I'll kick you in the shins!
D: Ow, Chita! Okay - I will be there this weekend. Thanks so much for chatting with me, I hope the next time I see you gals will be on primetime TV - because I think you're all more talented that most of what I see on the boob tube these days.

K: Oh, ju chould see Chita wearing a tube top! So funny when et's around her knees!!
F: Aye, thank ju! Now tell me more about these boobs that are like tubes....
C: Thank ju! We hope to be spreading the Chico's Angels love all over the world!
The show's extended run goes until August 2nd - with 2 Sunday matinees added on July 26th and August 2nd at 2:00pm Shows are Thursday – Sunday 8PM. Tickets on sale at chicosangels.com Location: Cavern Club Theater inside Casita Del Campo Restaurant 1920 Hyperion Los Angeles, CA 90027

Hey Doug!
This is great!
And your green room is awsome!!
Chile con soy carne? Who knew?
(By the way, that literally translate to Chile with I am meat)
Hi Doug! I enjoyed the interview with Chico's Angels. I've been a long time fan of theirs as well. Lots of laughs! Thank you!
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