My good friend Wyndham gave me this LP cover oddity a few years back - and it still leaves me speechless everytime I look at it. I mean, I can totally appreciate the cover photo, but what's really going on here?

Well it looks like The Jock Stapp Ensemble are back for another volume of traditional Rugby songs - ditties that have entertained fans for, um hundreds of years?

Some of the songs included are
"The Portions of a Woman" (sounds like a French film about an axe murderer),
"Balls to Your Partner", "Large Balls", "The Harlot of Jerusalem" (this sounds a wee bit out of place here) and "
Yo Ho, You Ho, Eskimo Nell" (this sounds very out of place here). Unfortunately the record was not included in the package, but maybe I can find The Jock Strapp Ensemble on iTunes. Maybe not. Either way, it's certainly a conversation piece - and it got me thinking as to what a
Rugby Songs cd might look like if it came out today. Maybe something like this:

I feel like the songs would be much more "manlier" nowadays. :)
Oh my, is that for real? Well, its looks real! Speechless indeed... "Balls to your partner" and "Large Balls", I thought you were kidding, but your not! Hey, the're cute! P.s. your "Before Photoshop" post was a blast, thanks!
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