Yes, children there actually was a time before Photoshop when graphics had to be created the old fashioned way. I recently came across a file of dumb old magazine and advertisement parodies that I made when I was in high school and "that year I took off before college". I thought it would be fun to post some of them and review them through my seasoned Art Director's eye.
Exhibit A: The Hollywood Squares gossip column by Mildred Snatch and The TV Answer Man by Belvedere Thib. Originally published in the August 1981 issue of National People Magazine.

Well, first of all, Mildred Snatch and Belvedere Thib are great names. Wonder where I came up with those? The idea of a gossip column being about one particular show - a game show no less - is pretty genius. Notice how I used mixed media here. Actual clippings from TV Guide combined with real typewriter type. Very fancy.
Exhibit B : No Frills Granny advertisement, originally published in the January 1982 issue of Ladies' Life Magazine .

Wow! Completely hand-drawn type with a photo stolen from somewhere. I guess my obsession with fake NBC shows can be traced back to here. Spazzola Productions was a recurring entity in these ads.
Exhibit C: "I Can't Believe It's A Jockstrap!" from The March 1983 issue of Playhouse, The Sophisticated Mens' Magazine.

Infecto Laboratories created many unique products that pertain to the genital region.
Once again, completely hand-drawn type - including the Infecto logo!
Exhibit D: "I Can't Believe It's a Tampon!" from the January 1982 issue of Ladies' Life.

Once again, Infecto Industries creates something unmentionable in polite conversation. Notice celebrity spokesperson Juliet Prowse. Poor dear.
Exhibit E : Best Little Whorehouse on the Prairies from TV Guard magazine (circa Spring 1982)

Ah! I've discovered Press Type! And I've created a new network, SBS! Poor Laura, I always know al that whoring would lead to trouble. I've revisited this concept years later in my Slideshow presentation.
Exhibit F : The Natalie Wood Story circa 1982

What can I say? My design skills have improved greatly as I was using Press Type like there was no tomorrow, plus actual clip art! Pamela Sue Martin and Erik Estrada? Why not? "The neglected swimming lessons!" - I'm sorry, Natalie.
Exhibit F : "Planet Eartha" from Persons magazine (Fall 1982)

More Press Type with clips from real movie ads. I wish someone really made this movie. In Dolby Stereo and 3-D!
Exhibit G: Gimme a Bust! also from Persons magazine.
Exhibit H - Equaliza circa 1983

Okay, now we're talking. This was actually a photo stat composite of a real TV Guide ad and a photo of Ms. Minnelli. (Happy Birthday Liza!) Pretty soon after this I'd be employed and designing actual TV Guide ads - only those were not as much fun. I hope you all enjoyed this twisted trip down my memory lane.
You never cease to amaze, Doug.
You and Gutenberg (and I don't mean Steven): where would civilization be without you two?
BTW I fucking love Best Little Whorehouse on the Prairie and the Equaliza!
PLEASE put these on t-shirts at your store. I would buy every single one of them. Seriously.
I LOVE "The Equaliza"!
"The Equaliza" and "Planet Eartha" nearly made me pee myself.
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