I've had a few rants and a near meltdown after Prop 8 passed, but for the most part this blog has been all about fun.

I've had days when I've had over 8000 readers (thanks to a little something called SONSEED) and I've had days when I felt like there was no one out there at all.

There's also been days when I feel like I should just stop this silliness and put my time and energy into something that actually makes me money.

For now, I think I'll just keep on blogging as long as it's fun. When it starts feeling like a chore, it will be time to give it up. So, if you're out there and wanna drop me a line and let me know what you'd like to see on this blog, feel free to contact me via the "comments" button below.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversity, Doug! ;-)
And since you asked...
I'd like to see a lot of stuff about me.
...and Daniel Craig!
...and Channing Tatum!
...all together!
Congratulations! I just discovered your blog and have been enjoying your past posts. Thanks for your hard work!
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