Juul Haalmeyer, in the real world was SCTV's resident costume designer. In the world of SCTV, Juul also led the Juul Haalmeyer Dancers, a group of inept, mismatched, poorly-choreographed dancers who appeared most often in Lola Heatherton's (Catherine O'Hara) spectacular variety specials.

The dancers included at various times Martin Short, Eugene Levy, Rick Moranis and random writers and crew members. Basically any guy who was available and could squeeze into the ridiculous costumes.
In Season 4 Juul and his boys appeared in such classic sketches as "Lola Heatherton - Bouncin' Back to You," "Perry Como - Still Alive," "The Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special" and "The People's Global Golden Choice Awards".
In Season 5 a highlight was "Lola Heatherton's The Love Spirit" in which Juul was Lola's co-star.

In Season 5 a highlight was "Lola Heatherton's The Love Spirit" in which Juul was Lola's co-star.
The CHRISTMAS WITH SCTV dvd contains a great extra: The Juul Haalmeyer Dancers, a documentary in which Juul explains the origins and techniques of the legendary dance troupe that bears his name. As Juul says "Nobody ever got hurt, due to the simplicity of the routines." Here he is as one of the Solid Gold dancers... 

Seriously, where have you BEEN all my life?!
I love the Juul Haalmeyer dancers and Dusty Townes Very Sexy Xmas!
"Sexy holidays to you!"
SCTV Rocks and so does your awesome blog!
Hi Doug!
Thank you for putting up the SCTV JHD blog over the holidays. Too bad those bastards with the copyright made them immobile after a couple of days, but I received lots of phone calls while they were still up and running. It was lots of fun and I am honored!
Sorry I didn't get this message to you sooner but I am a technical moron and did not know how to use a computer until last week when John Candy's brother in law, who is a computer expert, came in and set me up and showed me how to use it.
I have gotten more notoriety from the bad dancing than anything I have ever done as a costume designer in the last 40 years, so I guess you can call my career a real flop.But my God, flopping has been fun.
Keep up the good work!
Juul Haalmeyer
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