Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
How I Spent a Hot Summer Weekend
I'm a bad gay. While most of my friends were out in the hot, smoky Los Angeles night watching Liza shriek and croak her away through her two nights at the Hollywood Bowl, I was at home in the air conditioned comfort of my living with a few good friends watching great stuff like GRIZZLY (1976) and MAUSOLEUM (1983).

You see, I've seen Ms. Minnelli perform live throughout the 80s, 90s and even the early 2000s, and I feel I have already seen her at her best. Her triumphant run at Carnegie Hall and her post-Results tour were her glory days, and I will forever cherish seeing those performances.

Gothic Horror,
Live Concert,
TV Special
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mary Marvel Copies a Cowboy?
In addendum to my look at SHAZAM & ISIS, I recently came across this interesting comic book fashion advertisement from the 1940s starring a very butch Mary Marvel.
All these clothes are guaranteed washable! Shazam!

Comic Books,
DC Comics,
DC Universe,
Fawcett Comics,
Mary Marvel,
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
More Found HORIZON
Following up on my post from last Tuesday and also posted on Hello There Cutie.
In 1973 Disneyland Records released a kids version of the Lost Horizon soundtrack, disguising the much-maligned Burt Bacharach/Hal David musical as a It's a Small World knock-off. I, for one, find the songs cute and charming. They also added in songs from other musicals to round out the album. It is now my mission to hunt down this rare gem.

Burt Bacharach,
Disneyland Records,
Lost Horizon,
world music
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Return of The Doom Patrol!

One of my favorite DC Comics superhero teams, The Doom Patrol recently returned to the DC Universe. The Doom Patrol first appeared in My Greatest Adventure #80 (June 1963).

DC Comics,
DC Universe,
Doom Patrol,
Teddy Bear,
Friday, August 21, 2009
Return of the Worst TV Show Ever!
With news that SMALL WONDER is finally coming to DVD, I've decided to rerun a post from last fall about the show.
SMALL WONDER was a syndicated sitcom that from 1985 to 1989. In New York, where I lived at the time, it aired Saturday nights on Channel 5, WNEW (or WNYW) - around the time the station became a FOX affiliate.
The show felt like an awkward throwback to the 1960s, especially with it's cheesy theme song. The premise was this: some nerdy scientist guy secretly builds a robot that looks like a 10-year-old girl, but she really is designed to perform house work at superhuman speed. The Robot is named Vicki, and this guy and his wife pass her off as their adopted daughter–even though they make her sleep in the box she came in!!! Very creepy!Complicating things are the guy's bastard of a boss, who lived next door with a nosy, bratty daughter. It was like THE JETSONS meets BEWITCHED meets MY LIVING DOLL (which I've never seen - but am dying to!) I can recall watching several episodes of this show just out of disbelief that it actually got "greenlit". It must have had some loyal fans because it lasted FOUR seasons!Of course, now I wish it was airing somewhere. Hello, TV LAND? Here's an ambitious fan site dedicated to the show. I'm sure the show is even (unintentionally) funnier as seen through 2008 eyes. I say "give me SMALL WONDER over over-hyped crap like GOSSIP GIRL any day!"
SMALL WONDER was a syndicated sitcom that from 1985 to 1989. In New York, where I lived at the time, it aired Saturday nights on Channel 5, WNEW (or WNYW) - around the time the station became a FOX affiliate.

Apparently, after four seasons, yes, wonders do indeed cease.
Gossip Girl,
The Jetsons,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Virginia Davis 1918-2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Softer Side of Doug

Have you been to HELLO THERE CUTIE lately? It's my other daily blog dedicated to all things cute that I do with my friend Sherri. Each day we both contribute something adorable and make each other (and our readers) smile. Because the real world can be a very ugly place. And it's rated "G" - so you can share it with the young ones!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
When I was a kid I begged my parents to take me to see Ross Hunter's production of LOST HORIZON at Radio City Music Hall. My mother must have thought I would be satisfied with any Liv Ullman film, so instead she took me to see 40 CARATS - in which Liv played a cougar who seduced Edward Albert, who was about half her age.

Burt Bacharach,
Lost Horizon,
Radio City Musica Hall,
Ross Hunter
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Bad Men
With the excellent AMC serial MAD MEN returning tonight for a third season, I thought I'd take a look at some awful advertising from the decade after the golden age of advertising. The 1970s.

"Can we make encyclopedias look sexy? We sure can! How about a pleasantly attractive older woman dressed like a stewardess rubbing her right breast on the back of a teen-age boy's head while she straddles his shoulders? His smile alone will sell about a million sets!"
Mad Men,
People Magazine,
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
DEGRASSI JR. HIGH Opening Credits
As a footnote to yesterday's DEGRASSI megapost.
Degrassi Jr. High,
TV show opening
Saturday, August 8, 2009
People Who Read People
Inspired by my friend Laura over at A Touch of Tuesday Weld, here's a couple of tasteful fashion ads from People Magazine circa 1977.

What the hell is she wearing on her head? She must have fallen off the marble pillars earlier. I hope that wrap stopped the bleeding, because I would not want any blood to get on his lovely white blouse. What an attitude!
bon jour,
Lynda Carter,
People Magazine,
Wonder Woman
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Trashy Old Magazines: On The QT

I'm just saying...
Dorothy Kilgallen,
Marilyn Monroe,
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Douglas Michael Show with guest Sal Polichetti of "Sonseed"

Hello readers, welcome to a very special edition of Dougsploitation's The Douglas Michael Show. For those of you unfamiliar with the back story of my relationship/obsessesion with Sonseed, here it is in a nutshell.

I've owned a VHS tape of Sonseed performing "Jesus is a Friend of Mine" on an episode the WNBC TV show THE FIRST ESTATE for over 25 years. I've shown it to hundreds of people over the years. People of all faiths and people of no faith all just seemed to LOVE it. In August of 2008, a friend of mine converted it to digital and I posted it on Vimeo and also here on this very blog. Some crafty person stole it from Vimeo and put it on YouTube and before you knew, people all around the world were singing along with Sal Polichetti and the band. I later stole it back and posted it on YouTube myself as well- as have countless others. 2 Million viewings, several parodies and covers later, the song and the video had taken on a life of their own.

Sal: You can take the boy out of Brooklyn but you can't take Brooklyn out of the boy. Although you've been living in California and I've been living upstate NY for quite some time it was obvious where we came from. Not everyone would understand that (you have to be from "New Yawk").
Doug: It's good to be back home, even if it is just for a quick visit. As you know, since I first posted the Sonseed video on my blog last year, you might say that things have kinda gotten outta control. Before Sonseed I had about 8 readers a day - then it was about 8000 a day. So, how has YOUR life changed in the past year?
Sal: I've never had a fan club in Sweden before! My brother-in-law forwarded it to me last week. I don't know what they're saying but I assume it's positive. I've also never done a telephone interview for a morning drive-time radio station in Sydney, Australia either (it's true; every other word out of their mouths is "mate"). I guess it's the wide scope of this whole thing that amazes me!

Doug: Maybe they just don't have internet access yet? You've recently appeared on stage with a few bands- performing "Jesus is a Friend of Mine" to sold-out crowds. That must have been and incredible experience. So what's next for you? What's next for Sonseed?
Sal: Same old for me. I just finished doing "The Sunshine Boys" at a small theater in Walden, NY and I'm now in rehearsals for "Kiss Me Kate" in Monroe, NY. I still play old rock and roll with 3 other old guys every so often (my first love, actually). As far as Sonseed I suppose that's it. It would probably take "Beatle reunion" type cash to get all of us in the same place at the same time again. Frankly, I don't see that happening.
Doug: Well, if that reunion happens, I wanna be there! I just have to say what an extreme pleasure it has been meeting you in person and getting to know you. I only wish I had posted the video YEARS ago, but I'm so glad I finally did.
Sal: Same for me, brother. I don't know how I would have handled this years ago but I'm in a good place in my life right now and was able to enjoy it.

Doug: I look forward to it - LA has a lots of great diners for us to hang out in. Oh by the way, I recently got to re-screen the video at Dennis Hensley's HOME VIDEO GONG SHOW at the REDCAT Theater at Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown L.A. - it did not get gonged this time! Here it is again, for old time's sake...ZAP!
New York,
Sal Anniversary,
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