Since I'm already on the subject of
BEWITCHED, let's take a look at some magically themed Halloween costumes. Starting with the lovely Samantha Stephens herself...

Well, looking a bit like a drunken drag queen, Sam came in two un-fabulous versions. Both with garish mustard yellow capes and old school witch hats. Why not make the costume match the famous animated Samantha from the opening titles? Oh Ben Cooper, you were such a tease! Well, at least they got her hair
color right, unlike...

Jeannie from I DREAM OF JEANNIE! Why on Earth would they give her
red hair? And again with the yellow! Yuck! Jeannie was known for wearing PINK, not yellow! It's almost like they went out of their way to make her look nothing like the actual character. And these were
official licensed products! Ironically, the mask looks more like Barbara Eden today...

Getting back to witches...

Here's Witchiepoo from Sid & Marty Krofft's psychedelic kiddie classic
H.R. PUFNSTUF. This costume actually works for me. The mask looks like the character and the trippy graphic is kinda cute, even though the illustration makes her look more like 70s era Bette Midler than Billie Hayes. I think this is the best costume I've come across (so far).
I actually wore that Witchipoo costume as a kid! I was (and still am) a Pufnstuf freak, and they didn't have any of the other I went as Withcipoo. Sigh.....the writing was on the wall.....
I remember wanting to be Jeannie for Halloween because my name was already Jean, so my mother took me to Woolworth's to buy the costume. When I saw that she had blonde hair, I cried and told Mom that I didn't liker her cause she wasn't the real Jeannie. My poor mother had to sew a costume for me and I made a ponytail holder out of a Dixie Cup cover in pink felt. It was my favorite Halloween costume ever, thanks for reminding me about it!
Yeah, that Ben Cooper Samantha is just odd.
I think the red-hair Jeannie is actually the Jeannie from the Hanna-Barbera cartoon rather than the sitcom...still, an odd costume...and don't get me started on the Laura Ingalls...yeesh!
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